…A Little Birdy Told Me…

Keep up with Sea to Sky Guiding through recounts of the most recent excursions, tips & tricks for planning outings, scouting for wildlife, book suggestions, thoughts, and more!

Amanda Colbert Amanda Colbert

Baleen Whales of the Salish Sea Excursion

Wasn't this supposed to be a baleen whale tour?
Well, we all got a lot more than we bargained for after making some concessions due to the windy weather. Yes, we had killer whales (with teeth :) haha). But we also had an eleventh hour baleen whale that allowed us to officially say this trip was a successful endeavor. You'll have to read about the other exciting sightings we had and wait for the reveal at the end. Truly one of the best tours I've had the pleasure of taking out on the Salish Sea!

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Amanda Colbert Amanda Colbert

GBBC 2024

This Great Backyard Bird Count weekend (2.16-2.19.24) was for contributions to science, to building community, and of course for the birds!
*A special thank you to those who joined in one of the GBBC events with me!

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