The Snooty Hooty - How it’s Connected to Sea to Sky Guiding and What’s in the Name?

If you’ve poked around enough on this guiding website, you may have found an online photo gallery to peruse with the moniker “The Snooty Hooty,” showcasing some photo captures that I particularly love. If you’ve then poked around that photo gallery, you may have also come upon a link to my personal, but public, Instagram account where I’ve been sharing bird photos and snippets of my wildlife adventures over the last several years, also handled @thesnootyhooty. If you have yet to discover either of these, or have not made the connection of “The Snooty Hooty” to me (Amanda Colbert), I completely understand. I have been sharing photos and experiences long before Sea to Sky Guiding was even a thought, and neither the photo gallery name nor the Instagram handle explicitly nod to this business or my guiding endeavors. I feel an introduction to the name will help bridge the gap, and it is also one of my favorite stories to share with those who look at me funny or chuckle when I provide my information in person.

So, why the name "The Snooty Hooty?" While the “snooty” part has a snobby, “better than you,” disdainful connotation, my personality and the way I feel about wildlife and sharing it with others could not be more polar opposite. I keep the name, regardless of the connotation, because I treasure the funny story the name stems from. It also satisfies my literary love for rhyme schemes, and, let’s be honest, my adoration for owls (whoooo doesn’t love owls?).

The story goes a little something like this: Back when I was a total newbie birder, I found myself on a boat excursion where I was in complete awe watching an expert birder call out the birds that were zooming past us on the water. At that moment, I couldn't wrap my head around knowing birds by calls, flight patterns, size differences, silhouettes, and most of all, flying by us at over 20 knots with just a second to gather and assess all of that information before they were out of sight! My husband seemed equally impressed, and motioning to our trip leader, ribbed me, asking, "is that going to be you some day?" I laughed, shaking my head in disbelief, but as the next bird came whizzing by, he said, "come on, you got this--what kind of bird is that?" Without giving it a second thought I replied, "that is the elusive Snooty Hooty!" We both had a great chuckle and thoroughly enjoyed the day on the water. Fast forward to over 6 years later, hundreds of hours sitting "in the field (nature!)," getting to know the feathered friends around the state and country--including by books and out-of-focus photos I've taken "for ID purposes only (lol)," branding calls into my brain, enjoying webinars and other group bird outings, and traveling to places just to experience species not found in my region--I have turned into that trip leader who astounded us on our first bird excursion. Humbled by my beginnings and the classes I've taught, groups I've lead, species I’ve found on my own, and trips I've curated and taken, I do wear “The Snooty Hooty" moniker with great passion and pride. It's been my Instagram handle for years because it seemed a no-brainer name when I finally created a place to begin sharing the photos I was taking and the experiences I was having. Though small, it’s helped me build community and watch others around the country—hell, literally around the world—on their own photography and wildlife adventures.

The Snooty Hooty really does exist! —Kidding, but if it did, I image they would look something like this!

If you’re looking for wonder, adventure, thoughts, reflections, and sometimes snarky comments, stupid puns, jokes, and some laughs, I hope you find that, and some wonder and awe, over at @thesnootyhooty, should you choose to find me on Instagram. There are umpteen thousand people across the globe that are more skilled with a camera, words, and wildlife than I am, but there are also people who may never have the privilege of capturing or experiencing these moments like I do, and that’s why I enjoy this method of storytelling. It excites me to think that visitors can glimpse the amazing world I've captured through my lens.

I also plan to get back into art—a LARGE part of who I was in my teens and twenties—but had gotten away from due to, well, life. I didn’t have my love for birds honed just yet, so they’ll be making the perfect subjects for some dabbling!

Happy birding, adventuring, and finding your calm!   

*all photos were taken by, and are the express property of, Amanda Colbert and are not for use without written permission and proper photo credit. Nikon cameras paired with either a Tamron 150-600mm or Nikkor Z 100-400mm with x2 teleconverter were/are used. All photos were ethically obtained (no feeding or harassing wildlife, no trespassing, no destruction of habitat, as well as all state and federal wildlife viewing laws and guidelines were adhered to). I use telephoto lenses to minimize my disturbance and impact on the wildlife I’m viewing; I’m a naturalist first, and an amateur photographer second. It's my hope that everyone abides by the same code of ethics when wandering and/or photographing any and all wildlife.


My Birding Year “Wrapped” - 2023