The Hidden Lives of Owls - a “Book Club” Gone Wild!

START DATE: Wednesday October 30th | END DATE: Saturday December *7th or *14th

Fall/Winter 2024

*Excursion is weather dependent - See Full Schedule Below!

  • You consider yourself owl-curious - from a complete beginner to intermediately knowledgeable and you desire to know more.

  • You enjoy a good read full of anecdotes and experiences, a story that connects you to place, you want to connect with like-minded people, and desire hands-on, field-based excursions to connect you deeper to the subject matter.

  • Hope to learn and/or experience something new in the owl realm!

This excursion is for you if -

  • WEDNESDAY OCT 30th: Zoom 6-8PM - welcome & educational talk on the natural life history of owls; introduce “The Hidden Lives of Owls” book with timeline for each meeting.

  • WEDNESDAY NOV 6th: Zoom 6:30-8PM - educational talk on folklore of owls; discuss assigned chapters.

  • WEDNESDAY NOV 13th: Zoom 6-8PM - educational talk and group activity; discuss assigned chapters.

  • WEDNESDAY NOV 20th: Zoom 6:30-8PM - educational talk on ways to sleuth for owls along with eBird “search feature” walk-through; discuss assigned chapters.

  • —No Meeting the week of Thanksgiving—

  • WEDNESDAY DEC 4th: Zoom 6-8PM - pre-recorded interview with author Leigh Calvez; preparation for our outing; discuss assigned chapters and wrap up the book.

  • SATURDAY DEC 7th -OR- DEC 14th: Field Excursion - *Plan on meeting near Burlington, Washington (Park and Ride) 6 hours before sunset (Specific Time TBD as we get closer). Sea to Sky Guiding will caravan the group (1-2 vehicles)

Schedule: Zoom Meetings & Excursions:

  • Leigh Calvez “The Hidden Lives of Owls - The Science and Spirit of Nature’s Most Elusive Birds” book (reasonably priced, used options online!); audiobook on Spotify if you have online premium.

  • Zoom Account - free, but must sign up and create an account!

NEEDED for this course:

  • ALL Zoom Sessions and Field Excursions - roughly 15 hours of small group, community gathering & discussion paired with a small group, in-person experience! This does not include your time reading the book.

  • Activity Kit - for Zoom the night of Nov 13th (to be mailed to all participants).

  • Guided Birding & Naturalizing with a focus on owls, where applicable - roughly 4-5 hours in the field scoping for owls, and/or proof of presence of owls (pellets, poop, feathers, etc.). While our heading is owl-centric, we’ll also watch for other bird and mammal species during the entirety of the excursion. Plan to caravan to the scouting locations *Please note: as with all wild animals and birds, we commit to doing our best to locate owls but cannot make any promises—these nocturnal birds move about each night. But, with the knowledge of different, preferred areas, our chance for an encounter is good!

  • Optics - Binoculars: Nikon PROSTAFF P3 8x42 (4 pair available for use). Scope: Gosky 20-60x80 Dual Focusing ED Spotting Scope.

  • Educational Materials Available While in the Field: Birds of the Puget Sound Region; Sibley Birds West. Laminated sets of IDs, created by Sea to Sky Guiding.

  • eBird Checklist(s) - compiled and shared with participants within 24-48 hours of the end of each excursion.

  • Trip Report - within two weeks of the field excursion, a detailed trip report with photos will be shared for participants to enjoy. Details will also be found on the blog section of the website!

Included in the price:

  • Book - must purchase copy/use audiobook

  • Beverages/snacks - participants are responsible for their own food and drink on our excursion.

NOT Included in the price:

Small Group Course | FULL Class Spaces Max: 10


VIRTUAL Spaces Max: 6

  • Fill out the information block with all the required information.

  • ADD: to your email contacts — I have had a rough go at my emails heading to “junk” and “spam” inboxes!

  • Trip Policies and Procedures and Deposit/Payment Requirements will be emailed back to you *within 24-48 hours if the number of spots you request to reserve are available.

Ready to Book?

FULL Course & Excursions Price:

$109/per person +tax

$49/per person +tax

VIRTUAL Course Price (no excursions):