Salish Sea Baleen Whales

EVENING ZOOMS: Thursday August 22nd, Friday August 23rd

Excursion: Saturday August 24th

Small Group Course | FULL Class Spaces Max: 10

VIRTUAL Spaces Max: 10


  • You seek a better understanding of the baleen whale species that utilize the Salish Sea as foraging grounds during the warmer months (beginner-intermediate).

  • You enjoy meeting and spending time with like-minded people and desire excursions and experiences that connect you more deeply to place, community, and wildlife.

  • Hope to learn and/or experience something new!

This excursion is for you if -

FULL Course & Excursion Price:

$189/per person +tax

VIRTUAL Course Price (no excursion):

$29/per person +tax

  • THURSDAY August 22nd: Zoom | 6:30-8:30PM - welcome and introductions; first Course Connection: Baleen Whale Species of the Salish Sea, Identification Techniques, Individual Whale Introductions and Stories.

  • FRIDAY August 23rd: Zoom | 7-8:30PM - second Course Connection: Reporting, Citizen Science, and Threats to Baleen Whales; *special guest - Pacific Whale Watch Association Executive Director, Erin Gless.

  • SATURDAY August 24th: Vessel Excursion from Anacortes, WA | 11:45am-4:30PM* (*time to be verified) whale watching - plotting a course for humpbacks and minke whales.

Schedule: Zoom Meetings & Boat Excursion:

  • Zoom Account - free, but must sign up and create an account!

NEEDED for this course:

  • Zoom Sessions & Sea Excursions (Full Course ONLY) - this course offers participants roughly 3 1/2 hours of pre-excursion education, and a 4-5 hour, in-person experience!

  • Guided Naturalizing and Identification - whether in the intertidal, scouting for birds from land, or taking to the sea, these excursions are always guided by a well-seasoned Sea to Sky Guiding naturalist. Educational and identification guides will also be available for use as companion tools. Vessel charters will be equipped with an experienced Captain and knowledgeable Sea to Sky Guiding Naturalist. While we’re charting a course to observe baleen whales we’ve covered in this course (*a gray whale would be RARE this time of year), we’ll also watch for other wildlife, whales, birds, and marine mammals during the entirety of the excursion. Our chartered vessel leaves from Anacortes, Washington. *Please note: as with all wild animals, we commit to doing our best to locate the target species for each trip but cannot make any promises—wild animals move about and can travel many miles in a single day. Community networking through the Pacific Whale Watch Association and knowledge of the previous days sightings and wildlife patterns help strengthen our chances for encounters!

  • Optics - Binoculars: Nikon PROSTAFF P3 8x42 (4 pair available for use).

  • Educational Materials Available While Onboard: Salish Sea humpback catalog; Birds of the Puget Sound Region: Coast to Cascades; 2019 Bigg’s killer whale guide; *2023 Southern Resident killer whale guide. Laminated species comparison guides, behavior guides, and identifying basic field markers for orcas, created by Sea to Sky Guiding.

  • Trip Report - within two weeks of the end of the last excursion, a detailed trip report with photos will be shared for participants to enjoy. Details will also be found on our blog!

  • *2023 Southern Resident orca catalog is on hand strictly for educational values and comparisons to Bigg’s killer whales; we will not be striving to actively watch these critically endangered orcas if around, and if a chance encounter were to happen, by law we are not permitted to be closer than 1,000 yards to them, must report our findings, and then safely transit out of their immediate area.

Included in the price:

  • Parking Fees (if applicable) & Meals - participants are responsible for parking fees and food, snacks, drinks, and souvenirs

  • Beverages/snacks - participants are responsible for their own food and drink on all excursions; these items are not available for purchase aboard the vessel.

  • *Tips - captains and crew work hard to ensure we have the best day on the water that we can. While never expected, if you feel so inclined, tips for the vessel Captain and crew are always appreciated!

NOT Included in the price:

  • Fill out the information block with all the required information.

  • ADD: to your email contacts — I have had a rough go at my emails heading to “junk” and “spam” inboxes!

  • Trip Policies and Procedures and Deposit/Payment Requirements will be emailed back to you *within 24-48 hours if the number of spots you request to reserve are available.

  • *I am working aboard the Snow Goose in SE Alaska for about 3 weeks this summer (June 14th-July 7th); it is likely I will not have access to internet at this time. Emails will be responded to in the order they are received as soon as it’s possible! Thank you for your patience during this time!

Ready to Book?